It’s been one hundred eighty seven days of the incident of OBL that astounded the whole world especially the focus of media was very much at the peak only on this event on those days. There was no channel that did not having debate and discussion the topic of OBL, which becomes their subject for a lot of days. The attempt of intervene of U.S. Navy SEALS into Pakistan for hunting the top wanted terrorists who was being labelled for the attacks of 9/11.
Its has been more than a decade for fighting war against terrorism Pakistan who was considered to be closest ally with U.S. for fighting such war. People usually scared of hearing about war and terrorism whereas Pakistan has paid its price in form of sacrifices of great soldiers and also losses of innocent civilians lives. If we take a review back to the history when Afghanistan was invaded by Russian soviets and Northern Alliance from 27 December 1979 to 15 February 1989 only Pakistan was there at that time to help migrants from Afghanistan. Pakistan only trained Afghans Mujahideens and guarded air space of Pak-Afghan border. While U.S. showed interests for providing aids and ammunitions to Afghans to win war over Soviets. And then after when that war ended civil war started in Afghanistan because the Soviets left huge amount of arms, weapons and ammunitions back there and those weapons are still at present.
Its has been more than a decade for fighting war against terrorism Pakistan who was considered to be closest ally with U.S. for fighting such war. People usually scared of hearing about war and terrorism whereas Pakistan has paid its price in form of sacrifices of great soldiers and also losses of innocent civilians lives. If we take a review back to the history when Afghanistan was invaded by Russian soviets and Northern Alliance from 27 December 1979 to 15 February 1989 only Pakistan was there at that time to help migrants from Afghanistan. Pakistan only trained Afghans Mujahideens and guarded air space of Pak-Afghan border. While U.S. showed interests for providing aids and ammunitions to Afghans to win war over Soviets. And then after when that war ended civil war started in Afghanistan because the Soviets left huge amount of arms, weapons and ammunitions back there and those weapons are still at present.
When Taliban took over, as we all know they implemented Islamic Sharia and announced war against U.S. the country which no doubt is most advanced country of the world. After the 9/11 Pakistan had no choice to dug down between the cross firing of U.S. and Afghan Taliban although India was preparing to violate Pakistani borders and (L.O.C) Line of Control. Pakistan did tried to convince and warn the Talibans and had dialogues and negotiations but they refuse the delegations for not to going war against U.S. And today this what we suffering of killings of innocent lives, suicidal attacks, martyred soldiers. Efforts of Pakistan has not being given that much credit as it should be and which looks like Pakistan is becoming isolated in the world in shape of anguish economy, deficit of foreign investment, lack of good governance and the mismanagement of the system so on and so forth. It’s in the position of accusations of the U.S. and western media. As we talked economy Pakistan’s condition has been surprising causing a lot amount of concerns for its neighbouring countries specifically China as closest ally and neighbour. India, China, Brazil and few other countries are fastest economically growing countries in the world. Even small countries like Sri Lanka and Bangladesh have gone ahead of Pakistan.
Now let me tell you about a Hollywood movie, which is based on story of ‘Charlie Wilson’ was a United States naval officer and former 12-term Democratic United states representatives from the 2nd congressional district in Texas. He was best known for leading Congress into supporting Operation Cyclone, the largest-ever Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) covert operation, which under the Reagan Administration. Stinger antiaircraft missiles, and paramilitary officers from their Special Activities Division to the Afghan Mujahideen during the Soviet war in Afghanistan supplied military equipment, including anit-aircraft weapons such as Anit-Aircraft Guns etc.
Afghan Mujahideen holding and aiming Stinger Missile during Soviet invasion on Afghanistan.
Charlie Wilson's War' by George Crile and a subsequent film adaptation starring Tom Hanks as 'Wilson'.
'Wilson' taking Picture with an Afghan Mahajireen.
In the above picture actor 'Tom hanks' in the scene during making of 'Charlie Wilson'sWar'.
I saw the movie and you might also see it the “CHARLIE WILSON’S WAR” it also contains unusual scenes of drinking and he used hang out with women in this movie. It is typically based on how U.S. decided to take action by helping to win the war over former Soviets. He was the man who greatly supported Afghan people and Mujahideens by providing weapons after the approval of congress and pentagon. In the beginning he asked $50 million for weapons and ammunitions but after that war he did asked the $1 billion for building education and hospitals in a meeting of congress but did not succeeded as the congress refused it.
Charlie Wilson mounted on heavy caliber machine gun.
Here is a following link about him:
I ask you this and answer me in the comments section Do you agree with this that advance countries like America and European countries as they spent a lot much research of technology and weapons but why they couldn’t the spent the same money on basic structure of education and hospitals?
OBL’s hide out was out located by the CIA and the after math, and the consequences face by Pakistan side were humiliating and blamed for keeping Osama as secret giving safe haven in Abottabad. I remember that I my self got involved few blogs like BBC world news fan page on Facebook posting comments in respond to other nationalist especially with Indians and English/American guys. But honestly felt terribly disgust about what they were saying about our country when that incident occurred. In my personal opinion I have right to blame U.S.A as well as the Talban.
Picture taken on the day of the incident of OBL in Abottabad
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